
Week 4, day 2 - DisEaster

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to start this weight-loss programme before my birthday AND Easter... Or maybe it wasn't such a good idea to start at all. I feel like I can't meet my own expectations, looking after the kids, the house, the garden, do a fair amount of work, spend time with my family and look after myself too.
Easter weekend was a food frenzy. We went to 7 different places (family and friends) - Zsombor was sprinkling all the ladies wherever we went with his perfume and he said his little rhyme too (so cute, bless), and throughout the day he collected 32 chocolate easter eggs and 8 chocolate bunnies - not counting the ones he managed to eat that day. Of course you have to eat everywhere too - not a lot, but mostly ham, eggs, bread and... cakes.

On Easter Sunday I managed another gym session and also had a good bikeride with my son. I can't possibly fit in any home sessions though, because I have so much work on the computer - most of which I have to do at night, when the kids went to sleep.
At the moment this is what an average day looks like: Get up around 6am, both boys wake around the same time. Feed them, clean up the kitchen, go outside and play with them, maybe do some stuff in the garden. Around noon make lunch, feed them, put them down for a nap. While they are asleep, do some work on the computer: check e-mails, write some, do quick fix jobs that can't or don't have to wait till the evening. Start the washing machine, the dishwasher, wash up the stuff that I can't fit in the dishwasher. When they wake up, tidy the house as much as I can before they want to go out again. Then around 4pm we go outside again till around 7pm. Then we come in, I feed them, around 8pm we go to have a bath. Both boys should be in bed around 9pm, 9.30 the latest. Then go downstairs, tidy the living room and the kitchen a bit, have some food myself, come up and start to work till about midnight. Zsombor normally gets up around 11pm, crying - he has such vivid dreams that he wakes every time talking out loud or crying. The baby gets up somewhere around 3am, so I feed him, then go back to sleep for another 3 hours, then the cycle starts again. This is when Roland is not home. It is a bit different when he is home, he does the food and looks after the kids while I try to catch up with work and cleaning the house.
I feel like I can't meet this goal that I challenged myself to. One more thing I will try: every day Roland's home, I will go to the gym first thing in the morning. In the evenings it is so busy, I can't fit any gym sessions in, impossible. Still, I will be unable to do any of the home plans for at least another three weeks approximately.
Then there is the problem with this weighing I mentioned in the last post.
I feel like it is too much, one thing always suffers in the cycle. If not me, the kids, or the house, or the food (eating garbage), or the garden, or Roland (of course not in this order), or I just get exhausted in a couple of days because I practically have no time to relax, and just be alone a little.
Still, I'm not giving up. I will try the morning sessions in the gym, and try to be as active as I can on days when Roland's not home. Do long walks with the kids maybe. If anyone got any practical ideas, they are most welcome. Let me know how you manage?
Weight-wise I'm back to square one. This is week 4, I'm supposed to be 3 pounds lighter and I'm not. I weigh just as much as I started with. I lost a pound on week one, then put back one on the next week, then I kept that on the third. Now I guess it's about time to start losing that weight.

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