
Day 2 - Pain in the back(side)

I just said yesterday that I will weigh myself every morning, but I already forgot on the second day. This is really me though, story of my life. I could never stick to anything that needed constant attention. One day I was really up for changing this bad in me, and searched all over the internet, how could I change it. Then I found this exercise: to make your brain more focused, pick one little thing on yourself and once every hour, in the same time, touch it, or do something with it. I picked my ring, and I decided that I will move it around once every hour. I only did it once, then the next time I remembered, was hours later. Tried again in that hour, but forgot the second time, just like before. Then I gave up and said to myself 'that's you, accept it'. So I did. :)

Still no gym so far, I had a few things to do in town today, so we took a big walk with the kids, two hours! I had a pretty bad day all day. Something with my mood, ups and downs swapping constantly - more downs though. The kids must have sensed it, they were a bit fussy too. But it's almost over, I'm looking forward to tomorrow's gym session. I will do the weightlifting1 plan, as Tom suggested, then for the next day (Thursday) I stick in the cardio day. Then there will be two days 'off', and I will be in the gym again on Sunday, doing the weightlifting2 plan.
I was reading Tom's comment with great interest, never heard of the after burn effect before, so I googled it. There are lots of good articles about it, and I found that 'industry fitness' is not the same as personal training. I guess it's something like the commercials on TV: you get the same spots over and over again and you should think that these are the best, most valued, most tested and proved things on the face of the Earth, but if you dig in a little, you find out that the pink bottled stain remover is totally useless, while a non-branded stuff is actually working. Here is a link about the after burn effect in a nutshell or if you would like to dig in a bit deeper, read this.

I'm having a terrible pain in my back, at the right side, down quite low. This is the area that is most often affected when I do something with the baby. When I get him out of his cot, when I put him in his trolley, when I pick up the trolley to move it down the steps, when I bath him, always the same area. Today it was so bad that I had to sit down while I was bathing him. If I bend down for something, I can't even lift back the weight of my own upper body. I hope the gym session tomorrow will ease this pain somehow.

1 megjegyzés:

  1. Regarding the back pain it is very common, you need to start to use the other side to lift and turn the baby. Very important to use your leg muscle and glute for lifting. You can manage that if you put the bed maybe a little bit lower where you can kick in your lower body muscles for lifting purposes. I did some rehab on a women who developed a 9 cm hip tilt, which was cosign a lot of pain in her lower back. Took 2 weeks to make her pain free and 3 month to reduce the tilt to 5 cm, I think the average hip tilt is 3 cm but I don't remember so I could be wrong. Stability ball training is the best for hip stability and mobility. Have a look in the mirror, if you have a huge lumbar curve after child birth than it is time to kick start some specific rehab on the Stability ball or sometimes called Gym ball.
