
Week 3, day 4 - First gym session of the week

I'm looking at the date/time function on my mac, and it shows 'Thu'. I got a little confused for a second, then I realised it's past midnight, so it really is Thursday now.

I managed to go down to the gym this evening. I spent a little over an hour there. I was really missing cardio, so I did 20 minutes on the treadmill and 20 on the bike, fatburning level. Then I did 2 series of the weight exercises Tom gave me. This time I didn't feel tired at all. I was in a good mood, the workout felt good as well, and by the time I finished, I felt very light and energetic, not like last time.

The whole day felt very light and easy-going actually. Me and the kids went to Budapest with Roland, who had to go to work for a few hours in the morning. While he was there, we went to a playground at the parks of Városliget. We all really enjoyed it, there were so different toys to what we normally see around this part of the country. My older son sled down on a really high slide, I was really proud of him. Actually I was proud of him the whole time we were there. He was very nice to the other kids, looking out for the little ones, looking up to the big kids, talking to parents, and sharing everything he was playing with. He was so well behaved compared to most of the kids there. There was this kid (around my son's age), who simply poured a bucket of water over my son's head, then ran off. All I could say was 'what did you do this for???' then he took off. Poor Zsombor just stood there, water dripping down his face and shirt. Luckily it was very nice weather, about 25 degrees, so he dried up quickly. I kind of sorry that he starts kindergarden this fall, I'm sure he will be bringing home all sorts of misbehaviour, and my three years' education will go straight down the loo, and I can start over again.

On the way home we bought a lawnmower, finally. We were planning to buy one for years. Maybe next time I'll swap a cardio session with lawnmowing. By the time I finish mowing 2000 square meters of grass, I'll burn some calories... Talking about the grass, yesterday I did an hour's intensive raking in the garden, I wonder how many calories that burnt???

1 megjegyzés:

  1. Doing something around the garden burning approximately 150 kcal under an hour, also do not believe what is written on the cardio machines, regarding fat burning levels. Everybody so different so that is just a large average, which is highly unlikely relevant for you :( .Just keep doing the plan, it will be easier and your lower body using a lot of calories so don't worry to work them hard!
