
Day 3 - The first gym session

The good thing about going to the gym in a small village is that it's likely to be empty at 9am. So I thought, when I went down and there was this young tennis coach guy, half naked with a nicely toned upper body, doing workout. Just a tiny bit sweating, to make his skin shimmery. You get the idea. Then I thought, I might swap today's weightlifting programme with tomorrow's cardio, but by the time I finished warming up on the treadmill, he left. Phew.

So I did the first weightlifting programme. It took me an hour and a half to do everything, but I did, as it was written down. There were 12 different exercises, 3 rounds of each, with light weights, and high repeats. Usually 3x16, or 3x12, depending on which muscle, and what weight it was. My personal favourite is the 'inch worm' - when you are starting totally bent over, touching the ground with straight legs (well, if you can), then you start 'walking' with your hands to end up in a push up position, then you catch up with your legs to the starting position. Quite funny, I was glad the tennis guy left. :) Although there were low weights and many repeats, I couldn't do all three rounds at once of the same exercise. What I did was kind of like a circuit training. I did one exercise, went to the next one, and when I finished with all twelve, I started over again, and once more. I hope it is just as good as if I did all three rounds in the same sit? I didn't take long rests between exercises, only as much as it took me to walk from one machine to the other. At the end I had to face that I really have muscles all over my body. It's like a toothache - if you don't have one, you are likely to forget that you have teeth. It's just normal. At the end of the workout, I really felt like I need to do lots of streching, so I did. While I was walking back to my car, I felt quite tired, and thought that I need to sit down and rest for a little. But by the time I got home (about 5 mins), I was fine.

My back ache is still there, although a little bit better. I still have a hard time lifting up the baby, but I'm pretty much ok with my own weight now.

I forgot to mention yesterday, that I took the baby to the doctors to have his regular checkup, and we all agreed that he is not gaining enough weight. Normally babies should double their weight by the time they reach 6 months. Barnabas was born with 4.15 kg (9.15 pounds), and now at five months, he is only 6.80 kgs (15 pounds). It's not very likely that he will gain 1.5 kilos in the next month, so the doctor suggested that he gets some Sinlac . I had mixed feelings. At one end I was a little disappointed that my breastmilk was not strong enough for his proper development, but from the workout point of view, I was happy that it all happened before I started exercising. I'm sure I would have had terrible remorse, thinking I was so selfish to choose exercising instead of eating and resting, producing good milk... But this is not the case. It could even be that there is nothing wrong with the milk, because he grew 4 cms in the past two months, which is quite a lot. He is now 68cms, quite a tall baby!

Tomorrow is gym day again, I will be doing 50-60 minutes of cardio, at fatburning level, which means that in my case my heart rate should be around 112 during exercise. That is 60% of my maximum heart rate. You get the maximum heart rate if you take the number of your age off 220. Is that right Tom? I can't wait for Monday, to see what is the result after the first week. Now I'm thinking, I won't be checking my weight every morning, only on Mondays. Or when I remember to do so. :)

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