
Week 4, day 7 - Back on track

I'm really glad Easter and our birthday is over. I feel like I'm back on track, and my head is clean again, but the real reason for all these is that Roland's mum is staying with us for a good week or so. She's helping a lot around the house. This means that I can go to the gym in the morning (when Roland is home), I can do all the housework without getting too frustrated, and I am progressing with the work on the computer too. There is a good balance now in all levels of my life: I can spend quality time with my family, do the computer work, keep the house tidy, have a bit of me-time (gym), I even can enjoy maybe an hour in the garden - me and Zsombor planted some pretty flowers recently.

My latest gym session was this morning. We woke up to some very fresh breeze: it was raining outside. The air has chilled a little but just enough to refresh everything outside. I felt like it will be a good day to make some serious progress: it is International Workers' Day after all! Gym in the morning, lots of work on the computer, and in the evening I will go to pick up my mum from her weekend home - it is Mothers' Day as well in Hungary today!

I got on the scale first thing in the morning, and I'm progressing again! I weigh 89,3 kg, 197 pounds. This - apart from Roland's mum being here - gave me an extra boost, so I'm very much looking forward to next week. There is a tiny little worry that happens to be in our pantry: the 32 Easter chocolate eggs! :) I'm only putting out one a day for Zsombor to eat it, but every time I go to the fridge, I have to face that bag of chocolate. Not good.

1 megjegyzés:

  1. You can get a treat once a day that is not a problem so don't be hard on yourself especially after a training day, also I hope you drink plenty!
