
Week 8, day 2 - Mind set

I think I have now reached a milestone. Up until this point, this challenge was such an effort for me, even if it was me who came up with the idea in the beginning. Normally we get up in the morning and say: God, I need to lose some weight, let's start some exercising... Then the whole thing dies in a couple of days or weeks. I'm now happy that I started publishing this on facebook, because I would have given up a long time ago. But I don't want to look like a weak person.

Yesterday morning was another weighing - I'm now looking forward to these. I weigh 87,6 kg, 193 pounds, which means I get a 'met' this week too! But the real difference I see is in my eating. My mind is now set on the weight-loss. I don't feel physical pain when I don't eat a yoghurt or a piece of chocolate just because I want to eat 'something'. I just get a large glass of water, or some fruit juice, or even nothing at all, because I realise that I'm not actually hungry, just need to taste something. What's even better is that fruit season is starting in our garden. The cherry tree is so full of cherries, its branches are hanging down. There are not many better things than walk out to the garden and fill my belly with delicious fruit, straight from the tree (no, I don't wash it first).
The weather is so hot these days (about 25-30 degrees) that it's better staying indoors. This also means that I rather do the exercises in the gym than go for a long walk or even do some jogging. I'm about halfway down the road, this is week 8. I know the exercises by heart, don't need to look at the sheet Tom sent me in the beginning. I do the stretches straight after I'm finished with a particular exercise, and take the time again at the end to make sure all my muscles are relaxed. This might be the reason why I'm not having any pains here and there, I feel much more energetic, and what's even more important for me, this challenge is not an effort any more, rather a goal that I can't wait to reach. I'm sure I will continue the exercises after the 16 weeks is up. At the end, this is the real benefit, isn't it? Change my way of life.

There is another aspect to this, that I haven't wrote about until now. After giving birth for the first time, my linea alba has actually disappeared, making my abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis) separating. In real life it means that the left and right sides of these muscles are quite far apart from each other (I can stick four fingers inbetween). This makes my belly look like I'm still about five months pregnant, because all my intestines and organs are not held back by these muscles. Obviously this hasn't got any better after giving birth for the second time. The linea alba cannot grow back, the only option for me is probably a surgery if I don't want to hear any more comments about expecting again (I don't).

I went to see a plastic surgeon to hear my options. I can't say he was very understanding and supportive. I got the cold facts. He told me to come back in 6 months, lose as much weight as I want (get in a 'normal' shape that I would normally exist in) and exercise these muscles. The surgery can be paid either by my medical cover or I pay it myself. It would cost around 300.000 HUF (about a grand in pounds). It will be up to this surgeon to decide who's paying. And although he didn't say it, I have a funny feeling that if I go back with all the extra weight lost and my body toned, he will do it for free (medical cover), but if I go back pretty much like I look now, he will be thinking she doesn't want it that much after all, if she wasn't able to loose the extra pounds... And he would be right I guess. So by September I should be back in a good shape. My goal is 75 kgs, 165 pounds. I know this is really far down the road, first I'm concentrating on reaching my first goal - 16 weeks, 16 pounds.


Week 7, day 1 - Another week, another pound

Good news this morning on the scale: I lost another pound and now weigh 88.1 kg - 194 pounds. Not that I could tap on my shoulder hard - I managed one gym session only, but thanks to this silly weather, I did two home sessions! I am now using the kids' nap time to do my little workout. I normally feel quite sleepy myself at this time of the day, but rather than facebooking and sipping coffee (why don't I just have a nap myself???), I can do my exercises. The fact that I'm progressing is giving me the kick in the backside to do more. I'm the type of person that if I don't succeed, I get so disappointed, rather than get up and try even harder. I do work so much harder if I get cheered. I'm kind of the same with my plants too, that's why I don't have so many in the house: I water them when I remember, but expect them to be in perfect shape and look after themselves. If they don't look very nice (have dried leaves, or even get a disease) I get angry of them and just ignore them even more until they almost die, then I feel sorry for them and try to save the poor ones. Or my mum comes over and tries to do a miracle and would let me know what I can do to get them in better shape.
I was really hoping that I will not be like this with my kids, but I can say that I'm very much grown up when it comes to look after them. I do give in every now and then, but who doesn't? A friend of mine is always, always so disciplined, never does anything that is not supposed to be done, but I think she's not living her life. It's just so good to throw my clothes all over the floor in the evening rather than collecting them in a neat pile to place them in the laundry the next morning. I do hate to pick them up the next day, but it's worth it, definitely. And mostly I load the dishwasher in the evening to wake up for a nice clean kitchen, but again, it's so good to leave the dishes there if I had a tough day. I guess I'm a human.


Week 6, day 1 - Progress - not only in the gym...

The past week was a very busy one, not only workwise. Roland's mum was staying with us for a week and a half altogether. We took her home on Friday morning. Thanks to her, I was able to catch up with work, did a great amount of housework and had time to look after my kids too.

On week 5, I managed no gym sessions (oops!), but two home sessions! One on Tuesday and one on Thursday. On Thursday Zsombor was trying to do a lot of the exercises with me, we had good fun. It's really interesting that although he looks really strong and constantly exercises his body, a lot of the exercises were really hard for him.
Me and the boys had such good walks on Wednesday and Thursday too, at least 2 hours each. I got on the scales this morning, and it has shown progress: I'm now 195.3 pounds, 88.6 kgs. I celebrated the achievement with a gym session. I was really up for a weight-lifting workout, but the gym was surprisingly busy. The PT guy had at least three 'students' there, and even after they left, the PT was staying with a friend, and they were sooo very busy doing weightlifting, so I thought I could do the cardio day, why not. So I did 30 mins on the bike, 5 minutes on the crosstrainer (this is really not for me, not sure why), and 25 minutes on the treadmill. In all cases my heart rate was an average 118-120. A good stretching afterwards, then I walked to the playground near the gym, where all my boys were waiting for me. Zsombor was showing his new talent: he could run around a large basketball court without stopping. It was really nice to watch him running around, jumping, and just being silly. I hope we will always enjoy some sort of body exercising.

The news of the week was not the weightloss though: we went to the local kindergarten and signed up for a place for Zsombor. He was so excited about it, really proud of himself, and now keeps telling everyone that he is starting kindergarten in September. :) Bless. I keep telling him stories about it, and try to paint a picture that it is actually a privilege for the children if they can go there. We'll see what he will say if I take him there in September, and he will have to stay there without me... But the general manager told us that until then, we can go in every day if we want and go out to the playground when the other kids and theachers are out, so he can get used to the setting. I think it's a good idea.
My big boy, ready for school.


Week 4, day 7 - Back on track

I'm really glad Easter and our birthday is over. I feel like I'm back on track, and my head is clean again, but the real reason for all these is that Roland's mum is staying with us for a good week or so. She's helping a lot around the house. This means that I can go to the gym in the morning (when Roland is home), I can do all the housework without getting too frustrated, and I am progressing with the work on the computer too. There is a good balance now in all levels of my life: I can spend quality time with my family, do the computer work, keep the house tidy, have a bit of me-time (gym), I even can enjoy maybe an hour in the garden - me and Zsombor planted some pretty flowers recently.

My latest gym session was this morning. We woke up to some very fresh breeze: it was raining outside. The air has chilled a little but just enough to refresh everything outside. I felt like it will be a good day to make some serious progress: it is International Workers' Day after all! Gym in the morning, lots of work on the computer, and in the evening I will go to pick up my mum from her weekend home - it is Mothers' Day as well in Hungary today!

I got on the scale first thing in the morning, and I'm progressing again! I weigh 89,3 kg, 197 pounds. This - apart from Roland's mum being here - gave me an extra boost, so I'm very much looking forward to next week. There is a tiny little worry that happens to be in our pantry: the 32 Easter chocolate eggs! :) I'm only putting out one a day for Zsombor to eat it, but every time I go to the fridge, I have to face that bag of chocolate. Not good.